Friday, November 15, 2019

The Gift of Silence

It was a beautiful, crisp, Autumn day, though it felt more like winter.
It was the first cold spell of the season, so I was bundled up more than usual.

The dogs and I were walking our normal, morning path.

We like to walk toward the back corner of the property, where the wire fence begins,
and a single tree sits. I am not sure what kind of tree, but it is beautifully shaped,
and has large, almost whimsical looking leaves that, come October, turn a golden shade of yellow. Now, midway into November, the leaves have long since fallen from the tree, exposing its bare branches.

On the other side of the fence is a cow pasture that spreads out, over rolling hills,
toward the horizon. On this day, as we were walking,
I noticed some movement in the field, far ahead. And, as my eyes focused in,
I saw that it was a deer, full-grown, running and leaping through the tall grasses,
as if her life depended on it. We were almost at the fence line,
and her path was a straight line toward us.

The dogs had not, yet, noticed, so I stopped, and stood as still as I could.

I was sure she would see us and change her direction, but she did not.
Seconds later, she, effortlessly, leaped over the cow fence, and flew past us so quickly,
and so silently, that even the dogs were caught off guard.

As the dogs let out their delayed responses of barks and growls, I stood there in awe.
I live in a place where I see deer almost daily,
but I had never witnessed one so close, moving so swiftly.

  And, the silence of it - wow.

Had my attention been drawn elsewhere, I would not have even noticed she was there.

I thought to myself, whatever happens with the rest of my day, I have this.

Nature is awesome.

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