Tuesday, June 30, 2020

4th Try is a Charm - Coronavirus Times

Current day circumstances require that I plan for a trip to the local market.
There is no spontaneous "running up to the store" for milk.
And, these days, I never bring my purse with me -
just my credit card and driver's license, usually in my back pocket.
First try, they were closed.
It was a Friday, and I had forgotten that the family-owned,
Jewish market closes at 3:00, in observance of Shabbat.

Home, I went.
I tried again on Sunday.
I parked the car, and began to gather my stuff - empty milk bottles (to return),
mask, credit card . . . SHIT!


Home, I went, again.

Don't have it in me. Not today, I said to myself.

Try number three happened Monday.
I walked out of the house with my mask (empty milk bottles, still in the car),
made it halfway to the car before I realized I had left my credit card behind, AGAIN!
Fortunately, I remembered early, this time.
I retrieved my credit card, and drove to the market.
I parked the car, and began to gather my stuff - empty milk bottles (to return), credit card, mask . . . mask . . . mask . . . WHERE is my MASK??!!


After frantically searching around the car, between and underneath the seats, 
   I realized it REALLY wasn't there. And, I had a moment when I thought,
it won't kill me (or anyone else) to not wear my mask this one time.

Shame on me for thinking that.

Home, I went. Again.

I found my mask on the walkway, between the garage and the house,
rolled my eyes and scooped it up.

I am NOT dragging this out another day!

I went back to the market, again.
I parked the car, and began to gather my stuff - empty milk bottles (to return), mask,
credit card . . .


I can hear the voices of my "twenty-something" kids, but these days it is true -
I just don't get out enough.
4th try was a charm, though.

And, at least the drive to and from the market is a pleasurable one.

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