Tuesday, October 26, 2010

" The Truth Will Set You Free ? "

“If you truly want honesty,
     don't ask questions you don't really want the answer to”

                                                                       ~ Proverb quotes


My youngest son pulled a muscle in his ribs, and my back right fender was hit by a car in the parking lot.


One had nothing to do with the other.

My son woke up, complaining about pain in his ribs, so I decided to take him to the pediatrician.   

The good news was that it was just a pulled muscle, although, still quite painful to him.

As we approached our car in the parking lot, a man walked up to me and said,

     "I was just about to leave a note.  My car hit your rear bumper."

I immediately checked it out.  It wasn't too bad, but enough to leave a small scar. 

I thanked him for his honesty. 

     "At first, when I saw you walk up to me," I said, "I thought you looked familiar."

I turned to my son and said,

     "Doesn't he remind you of............................."

     "Tom Cruise?" interrupted the man. 

     "Yes (even thought he didn't)!  And everyone confuses ME with Julia Roberts," I responded. 

We laughed together, and then he said,

     "Well, I was going to say..........................well, your son is standing right there............ so I won't." 

HUH ?  HUH.  HUH? 

I wonder what he was going to say? 

Especially since I looked like I had just rolled out of bed, thrown on some clothes that had been lying on the floor from the night before, and my hair - a sloppy mess. 

Oh, the possibilities in my mind were limitless. 

My son and I got in the car, and as we drove away, we discussed how much we admired the man's honesty.

     "Yeah," my son said, "and I wonder who he thought you looked like?"

I do have his phone number, I thought.  Do I dare ask?


Think I'll go home and take a shower, instead. 

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